
MS's IPTV strategy in tatters
Register - London,England,UK
... Homechoice can manage it in the UK, Maligne and Free have managed it in France, Telefonica in Spain and Bell Canada have also launched IPTV services, while ...

'Tattered' MS IPTV strategy - Ontario,Canada News View:- It's one thing Faultline banging on that the Microsoft IPTV version is not ready, it's another when its most valued European customer ...

Microsoft's IPTV Stranglehold in Trouble? - New York,NY,USA
... you take a quick look at the three largest bell next generation network plans, you'll notice they all have one thing in common when it comes to IPTV: Microsoft ...

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Monday, 22 August 2005
Mainland China eyes IPTV to revolutionize in 2007
Global Sources - Singapore
United States -- IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is poised to create a revolutionary growth in the broadband customer base in 2007. ...
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